Friday, July 3, 2015

Pool and Laundry

Name things that are time consuming? Tiring?

Today I accomplished two things:

1) Splish splash versus exercise.  The first three times I got in the water (and out of the chair lift) I had no idea what to do. I vividly remember pool therapy in high school but that was many moons, and many muscles ago... back when I could walk with a wheelchair.  So my legs were used to some work. And I would bicycle kick my legs while doggy paddling and go from one end of the pool to the other. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. 

I do not think I can kick my legs that way anymore but today I managed some type of water jogging. And I know it was good because my lungs got quite a workout.

As far as laundry goes I hate folding clothes. Especially the kids' stuff because it invariably gets so wrinkled it becomes impossible to crease.  And you can forget about it if my arms are achey. 

Gonna call the surgeries a success because today I folded a ton of clothes without blinking. 

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